Verse of the Day!

Friday, April 21, 2006

A new girl

She's four and a half and yesterday she got her first real haircut. It seems so late but she really didn't start growing hair until she was three. She was quite proud of her new do. She kept saying "Daddy is going to think you brought home the wrong girl!"
I think she looks much older now. She says sometimes she feels so five or six. She is growing so quickly. She is also our most independent child which makes her seem so much older.

I went with Evan to Dallas on a field trip today. I enjoyed spending time with him. We had a great trip. The weather was perfect and the kids were very well behaved. I didn't even need the extra strength Tylenol that I packed knowing I would be on a bus with 43 first graders. The only thing that bothered me on the trip was when one of the young boys' pants fell to the ground exposing his boxers. Apparently this boy and his mom do not know how to properly buy pants for a child or they think it is cool to expose other children to this nonsense. I am ready for the preppy look to come back in style. It was cool then to cover ALL the proper parts of your body.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Top Jobs

Okay, so maybe I don't have one of the top jobs as rated by CNN but I do enjoy what I do. Well, most of the time. I am embarassed to say but today I threatened to send Drew to a border town near Mexico for the summer. Anyone know of a border town who needs an eight year old who needs an attitude adjustment and to work hard to begin to appreciate his very easy and comfortable life? Why don't kids appreciate anything these days? I think some people are naturally more grateful than others. I see that in our three kiddos anyway. I know I was pretty selfish as a kid (you are nodding your head, aren't you mom?). Most kids are I guess but this child has crossed the line.

It was a hard day being a mom. It's days like this when I think being a full time Dietitian sounds pretty good. Speaking of being a dietitian, I've have some real eye opening experiences so far at Baylor. I have learned things that I never knew about college girls and to think I was one. I was part of an Eating Disorders forum last night (past my bedtime I might add). The funny thing was that I was part of the panel of experts!!! Imagine that.

Spring Fever

Easter break was a great time for us as a family to reflect upon the incredible gift that Jesus gave to us on the cross. We enjoyed playing outside (even though our allergies are starting to get the best of us). We worked with the CABC youth to help paint a house on Saturday. The kids are beginning to see that there are people all around them and all over the world who need a helping hand or a heart to show compassion to them.
Speaking of lending a helping hand. Drew decided he was ready to get his hands on the lawn mower. He had lots of energy and enthusiasm. I hope he still feels that way in a few years when the job will be all his!
Last week was the one year anniversary of the beginning of seizures for Evan. As I think back on the year, I remember lots of tears, fear, frustration, anxiety and pain. But what stands out most is the fact that we were drawn closer to God when we didn't know what else could humanly be done. Isn't it a shame that it usually takes something big or tragic for God to get our attention. We were happily and contently going through life with little concern for accomplishing God's goals for our lives. We were doing all the right things--going to church, praying, tithing, etc. but we were not giving 100% of our lives to God daily to do whatever it was He wanted from us. I'm not saying we do it right everyday now but we make an effort to go to the Cross daily. Today, Evan is a happy and mostly healthy little boy. He's had a rough year. I hope that he never forgets how God carried him through this experience. God is good!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

too long

I've been too busy to update the blog. I am finding that my job is NOT 4 hours per week. It is much much more. I love it though. I've learned so much. I've mostly learned that I have so much to learn. I need to stop toting the 5# fat glob around campus because I am becoming known as the "fat glob" lady. Isn't that nice?!? The kids can't seem to keep their hands off of it.
I am amazed that Easter is just a few days away. We took the kids to an egg hunt at Baylor. This was Drew's 8th Kappa Egg Hunt. We thought he might be too old but he decided his desire for candy was much greater than his need to look COOL!
Notice that Lindsay is NOT in the picture with the Bunny. She likes Santa now but the Bunny is still not her friend mainly because "you can't see it's real head" underneath the costume.
Unlike a bunch of our friends, we have not posted a picture of Hannah on our blog. This picture is so cute I had to post it. Now we are a part of the elite bloggers.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Snow in Waco

It snowed in Waco today but only at Baylor. Today was Diadeloso. As tradition goes, we took the boys out of school at lunch time to join in the festivities. They had a great time playing in the man made snow. Lindsay loves the obstacle courses and inflatables but she finally got into the snow as well.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

New Website

Our dog is on our new church website (keep refreshing the page- the picture up top rotates through a few pictures). You can also a few pictures of the family with our Mwangaza boys. We don't know if she is a Christian. She's never come to us and asked for guidance. She has never asked to go to church. I am sure she'd love to go, we just never considered it. What would church be like if we all brought our pets? One good thing about Sadie is that she does love us unconditionally. If we all loved the way she does, this world would be a better place!

Monday, April 03, 2006

So much joy!

We are having a blast with our new friends! They are incredible kids. They are polite kids as well as gifted singers and dancers. They love the Lord and radiate His joy. We have been blessed just to be with them.
We have especially enjoyed our nightly devotional time with them. It is amazing to think that our boys and boys from across the world can come together to study God's word---in their pajamas! I just hope my boys are soaking up this experience the way I am.
Sunday turned out to be a crazy day. Sadie, the wonder dog, decided that African flavored flip flops are yummy! So I was off to Target to buy replacements for one of the boys. As I was leaving Target, a very tattooed young man (without a license) was cutting through the parking lot and hit our car. Lindsay, Evan and I were all fine. Mark and Drew couldn't even come to our rescue because we'd left our other car with the Mwanganza sponsors.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Friends from Africa

We are having a great time with our new friends from the Mwangaza choir from Uganda! Please pray that we will be a good host family to them and that they would be comfortable in our home. They are singing at both morning services and at night at Columbus! Come join us!
