Easter break was a great time for us as a family to reflect upon the incredible gift that Jesus gave to us on the cross. We enjoyed playing outside (even though our allergies are starting to get the best of us). We worked with the CABC youth to help paint a house on Saturday. The kids are beginning to see that there are people all around them and all over the world who need a helping hand or a heart to show compassion to them.

Speaking of lending a helping hand. Drew decided he was ready to get his hands on the lawn mower. He had lots of energy and enthusiasm. I hope he still feels that way in a few years when the job will be all his!

Last week was the one year anniversary of the beginning of seizures for Evan. As I think back on the year, I remember lots of tears, fear, frustration, anxiety and pain. But what stands out most is the fact that we were drawn closer to God when we didn't know what else could humanly be done. Isn't it a shame that it usually takes something big or tragic for God to get our attention. We were happily and contently going through life with little concern for accomplishing God's goals for our lives. We were doing all the right things--going to church, praying, tithing, etc. but we were not giving 100% of our lives to God daily to do whatever it was He wanted from us. I'm not saying we do it right everyday now but we make an effort to go to the Cross daily. Today, Evan is a happy and mostly healthy little boy. He's had a rough year. I hope that he never forgets how God carried him through this experience. God is good!
Whoa!! Check out Mark's "Incredible The Hulk" (inside joke), shorts.
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