Verse of the Day!
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Who needs sleep, anyway?
Tonight and tomorrow will definitely by interesting. Harry has his appointment with the pediatric neurologist tomorrow afternoon at 2. First, though, he has a sleep-deprived EEG scheduled for 8:30 am. To sleep-deprive him, we are supposed to keep him up until midnight, then wake him up at 4 and keep him up until after his EEG. So, first we have to figure out to keep him until midnight. Then we have to keep him awake in the car on the way up there. Harry is our child that likes to sleep the most, too. He's always been the late sleeper of the 3 kids.
Then, after the EEG, we get to hang out in Dallas until 2 with a very tired boy and no place to go. I'm not sure he fits, but we may have to resort to a stroller so he can sleep while we hang out at a mall or something. To say the least, it will be a unique experience.
According to Harry's Sunday School teacher, he had another one of his "spells" (as she called them this morning). They were doing their story time and when they were supposed to move on to their next activity, he didn't. They held him for a few minutes, and he was fine. When I picked him up, he said he didn't feel well, but he just said his throat hurt. By the time church was over, he seemed to be fine.
I think I've figured out to post via an email, so I'll try to post tomorrow from Big D to let you know how things are going.
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