Verse of the Day!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
We're back!

Mark and I both got to visit our grandparents. I also saw my best friend from 1st to 8th grade whom I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. Other stops included Ice Skating at the Galleria, the Houston Zoo, an Astros game (and running the bases after the game), NASA (Super Hero school was a special treat), Unlimited rides at Kemah, Dinner at the cool Aquarium restaurant, feeding the giant sting rays, Moody Gardens, swimming at the Galvez and milk chocolate waters of Galveston, staying at Grandma's house, Putt-Putt at Zuma's, the original Ninfas and Houston Museums (Butterflies, Natural Science, Health, Children's). Our main reason for heading to Houston was to take part in seizure research conducted by Baylor College of Medicine. We hope our participation helps researchers find some answers. I was super proud of Drew for participating. He was the first well child in the study.

After seven days in Houston, we headed to Port Aransas for our annual Mastin beach weekend. We are exhausted and very sun tanned. School starts Monday. Our days are filled with dentist, orthodontist and doctor appointments as well as back to school shopping. My, how quickly summer seems to fly by.

Those are some of my favorite places! We went out to Washington On The Brazos all the time when I was little, it is gorgeous when blue bonnets are out. And I went to the Houston Science Museum most years in school :) Glad yall had fun!
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