Verse of the Day!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Family of six?

Many of you think that we have three kids. While this is technically true, we have an "adopted daughter" who became part of our life in the fall of 1996. Laura has been an incredible blessing to us. We have loved watching her mature into a sweet, generous, adventurous, incredibly intellegent young lady. Since I don't leave the Waco city limits as often as I'd like, I travel the world via Laura's blog. She is always going to wonderful places. We followed her latest journey through Africa for the last five months sometimes worrying, sometimes crying and always praising God for her safety.

We got a special treat this week. Laura met us at Jason's Deli for lunch and we got to catch up. All three kids, but especially Evan loved hearing stories of Africa. Laura got the guys matching shirts and the girls matching skirts from Africa. I'll have to post a picture soon. Evan and Mark both wore their shirts to work and VBS the next day. We've also played lots of "checkers" that she brought us made from Fanta bottle caps.

I am so grateful be able to be a part of Laura's life. I hope that my children will follow their dreams like she has.

We've prayed a lot for her parents. It can't be easy to have your daughter living solo in the Congo. I guess parenting never gets easier.


At 6/23/2006 1:07 PM, Blogger texasinafrica said...

Regina, thank-you so much for your sweet words. Y'all have been such a blessing to me as well - providing a family when I was at Baylor and now as great friends. I am amazed at how God gives us exactly the right friends at exactly the right time -- and I don't think it's an accident that He's put Africa on Evan's heart, too. Love y'all!


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