Life as a Family of Five
Verse of the Day!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
A sweet treat

On a different note...
Monday afternoon, we went to the park. The boys got out of school at noon because it was report card day. Drew decided that he liked the baby swing. He found out the hard way that he is way too big for that swing. You'll have to excuse his hat! We are praying that he will see the light soon. He picked out the hat as a reward for a perfect score on the TAKS test. He would choose any team that we were not fans of just to be different. Lindsay enjoyed playing with the boys at the park. They had a great time playing hide and seek. The boys loved counting to 20-10 which is Lindsay's 30.
My group

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006

Thursday, March 23, 2006
I'm off to Arizona. The funniest thing is that I am flying to Houston with two of Drew's teachers. Waco is such a small community. Please pray for Mark and the kids. I know they will do great but there is just so much to do. Of course, school pictures are tomorrow, that figures. Hope they look decent.
I am excited to be going on this professional visit. I am not going to know what to do when I don't have to feed anyone, take anyone to the bathroom or get anyone ready for bed. I think I am going to enjoy this break!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Miracles do happen!

Spring... Break?
Evan had blood drawn at Providence. I promised him donuts and he got to ride in the golf cart twice which seemed to be enough of a reward that he didn't shed a tear. The phlebotimist was not the best. She had to wiggle the needle around a bunch as she struggled to find a good vein. He is a brave kid!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Growing the Church
This looks like a great game for those not satisfied with the size of their current church. Maybe my friends on CABC's pastor search committee can get all the pastoral candidate finalists to play this game and anoint the winner as our new pastor....
Mega Church Game
(It's just a joke, by the way. It's not a real game. They'll have to pick a pastor the old-fashioned way. They'll draw a name out of a hat.)
And while we're on the topic of church. You know those ads that CABC runs on the radio with the angelic voices of Brett and Ronda. Maybe we need to spice them up a bit. You know- something like this- to draw in the "monster truck crowd," whoever that might be.
While that ad was made for fun and hasn't actually run on the air, it might. The same guy made a funny airline ad.
(When you saw the title of this post, you thought you might read something profound and informative about church growth, didn't you? I leave the profound to Regina. I stick with inane and satirical.)
Sunday, March 05, 2006
I ran the "Bearathon" yesterday. It's a half-marathon put on by Baylor's Student Foundation. I don't know that I would have run it 2 weeks from the marathon, but there aren't a whole lot of races that are longer than 5k's in Waco, so I decided to go ahead and run. Also, as students at Baylor, Regina and I were members of Student Foundation. It's a neat organization and the money raised goes towards funding scholarships for current students.
It was my best half-marathon time of the "season" - 1:46:45. (If you look at the results, you've got to search- I couldn't figure out how to link directly to my results.
It's a tough course, as it goes through Cameron Park and its challenging hills. It had to changed in the last few days due to a sinkhole that developed on University Parks in the rain last weekend. (Sorry, I couldn't find an article with a picture.) Instead, it was routed across the Washington Ave. bridge, along the new river trail on the MLK side of the river and back across the Herring bridge. If you look at the course map, though, they forgot the key point that when you travel across the bridge, you actually do go across the river...
Anyway, it was nice running through a town that I knew and on streets that I recognized. Regina and the kids didn't make it to the start, but they made their way to find me several times. I think Regina appreciated the much smaller crowd (340 runners, as opposed to close to 10,000) and streets that she knew, as well. It was fun seeing all four of them 5 or 6 times as I ran. Regina forgot the camera, though, so no pics. Sorry!
I ran a good deal of the time with a local celebrity, Stuart Smith. He has the distinction of being the first American to complete the Adventure Grand Slam. Needless to say, he's an interesting man to talk to. He had more in the tank and left me behind with about a mile and a half left and finished about a minute ahead of me.
Anyway, I was pleased with how even my splits were. The three slow ones in the middle were the toughest of the hills in the park-
Mile 1- 7:56
Mile 2- 7:59
Mile 3- 7:52
Mile 4- 8:01
Mile 5- 8:01
Mile 6- 8:36
Mile 7- 8:40
Mile 8- 8:30
Mile 9- 8:00
Mile 10- 7:57
Mile 11- 8:00
Mile 12&13- 16:21 (forgot to hit my split timer, but there was a stiff head wind for the last 3 miles or so. It really started to wear on me at the end.)
last .1- 0:49
Next Saturday, I'll run the Waco 1-0. It's a 10 miler on the trails of Cameron Park (I'll leave the 50 km race to others), so it will be much different than the road races I've done, but I'm looking forward to it. After that, I'll take a break (and give Regina a break) from the race scene. I'll keep running, though, if anyone wants to join me!
Friday, March 03, 2006
A Hair Raising Experience

Thursday, March 02, 2006
As Usual...It's never boring!

Life is crazy right now. I'm trying to get the lastest scoop on eating disorders, make travel plans, figure out what to do with kids while I'm gone, drive for fieldtrips, take care of sick kids, make dinner. All the usual stuff plus more! Lindsay had her 4 year old check up today. She did GREAT! She was nervous about getting 4 shots but she was a trooper. She didn't cry until the 4th shot! Evan gave her the idea to hide from the nurse. Isn't that what big brothers are for?

I neglected to mention that Mark was a great sport at the Upward Basketball Ceremony. His team loudly volunteered him to assist the Unicyclist do a few tricks. He was 2 days post Marathon and still very sore. Can't you just see the strain in those thigh muscles? Must not have been too bad 'cause Mark is signed up to do a 1/2 marathon on Saturday.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Cheney's Gotta Gun
Regina sent me this. I'm not sure why she didn't think is "blogworthy," but I certainly do. It's a Dick Cheney parody to the tune of Aerosmith's Janie's Gotta Gun.
I don't really blame Cheney all that much. Hunting accidents happen and I have to (or, at least would like to) believe that this was truly just a horrible accident. But it doesn't mean we can't poke fun at him...