Verse of the Day!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Weekend Report

Lindsay went to school Friday. The boys had the day off. I took Evan to Providence to get blood drawn. He was so brave. Not a tear shed! He didn't get his morning meds until after 9:00. We paid later. His behavior was out of control by noon. All of those horrible feelings came rushing back to me. I had forgotten how scary and violent those spells could be. I am glad the meds work but I was sad to know how dependent we really are on the them.
This weekend was crazy! The boys were treated to the Waco High game on Friday night. They had a great time but came home very tired because the game went into triple overtime! I was sure they would sleep late but of course they didn't. I decided I am going to be a terrible parent of teenagers because I worried about them so much when they didn't get home when I thought they would be. They were out with adults. What am I going to do when they are out with irresponsible teenagers? I see Prozac in my future!!!
Mark went for a long run Saturday morning then we spent the rest of the day working around the house. The kids were up late again Saturday because of the Baylor game. Drew was up all night at a slumber party. He chose a party over the Baylor game! Drew has only missed one Baylor home game (August 1997) in his life. He didn't miss much Saturday. Drew camped at a friends' grandfather's ranch. He had a great time. He sure was stinky and tired when we picked him up Sunday morning but that didn't stop us from whisking him off to church! We apologize to anyone who had to be very close to him on Sunday!
We are ready for a good week. We are thankful for the blessing of good health (no throw up this week!) We will try to juggle kids around so Mark and I can both go to meetings this week. Seems that our schedules overlap a bunch. Wish we had grandparents closer to Waco.
My grandparents are here (Pitmans). You could borrow them, I'm sure they wouldn't mind being ya'lls grandparents too.
Jan and I could probably use some Grandparent training, cause that is the next major hurdle for us, I guess. Bring 'em by here, and we will see if we can't spoil 'em.
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