Life as a Family of Five
Verse of the Day!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Big Bend Article
For the out-of-towners-
There was an article about Hillcrest's trip to Big Bend in the paper today. It's online here. There were two nice pics in the print edition, as well. Hopefully, this good press will help to sway the administration to keep it going.
Monday, September 25, 2006
And we're back....
Drew and I are back from Big Bend. We had a great time and I learned a bunch, right along-side the kids. We were at a group camp site, so we had an area to ourselves, which was nice. This was pretty much the view from our campsite. It made for some great sunsets. (BTW- not my pics.)
Here's the group I was responsible for. They all made it back to Waco alive, so I consider it a successful trip.

(L to R) Matthew, Austin, Daniel, LynDemian (I had a hard time with that name and had to shorten it to LD), Devon, Nathan (I'm the tall one in the back)
Unfortunately, I didn't get many pics of Drew and me, but here's one of the few-

That's the Rio Grande and Mexico in the background.
Drew was in Mr. Burnie Battles' group. His wife, Mary Helen, and son, Jay both teach at Hillcrest. Burnie and Mary Helen have been taking groups to Big Bend for years and know that park like the back of their hands. If we go back as a family, I think Drew will have to be our tour guide, because I know he learned a lot from Mr. Battles.
There was a bit of controversy surrounding the trip and how it was received by the new administration in Waco. I have a feeling I'll be called upon to speak as a proponent for future trips, which I will certainly do. There is definitely more to learning than the classroom and the teachers at Hillcrest obviously share a love for these kids and passion to teach them. While the trip was fun, it was very obvious that the teachers don't do this trip because it's the easy thing to do. They do it because they love these kids and want them to experience interactive education and expose them to new things. I'm sure this was the first time many of these kids have seen the mountains, and for many it will be the last.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
And they are off...
Mark and Drew left around 10:00 last night with 80 of Drew's schoolmates and teachers. They were headed for Big Bend National Park. I don't imagine anyone got much good sleep on the bus. They watched movies and snacked until around midnight when kids started dozing off. They arrived at McDonald's in Fort Stockton at 5:30 a.m (an hour and a half earlier than expected...hmmm). They made it to the park around 10:45. This will be an amazing trip! My only concern is that Drew wasn't placed in a "family" with any of his friends. I am praying he builds new relationships and bonds with his "dad" Bernie Battles.
Grandma is here taking care of us. We have all been sick. We sent Drew on the trip with a fairly new case of Strep Throat (treated, of course). Total bummer! I sent antibiotics for Mark but I almost certain he won't take them. Evan is finally better and is now enjoying doing Sodoku puzzles with Grandma.
I cleaned out every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen tonight. Sounds like fun, huh? It wasn't my idea. My mom suggested it. Once I started I couldn't stop! I always get a lot done when Mark is not here. I threw away 3 large trash bags FULL of plastic cups and stuff. I don't know how this stuff gets so out of control. I think it multiplies in the cabinets at night.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
It's a simple equation...
Governor Kinky + Willie + Willie on the state payroll = legalized marijuana
After all, if the head of the state's new energy department (or the governor, for that matter) wants to enjoy a little Mary Jane on his time off, he shouldn't be held down by any silly laws- so change 'em!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Labor Free Weekend
I think we over did it this weekend. We have cranky kids (and parents) and no one wanted to get up this morning.
We started off the weekend by going to see Nacho Libre. Not one of my favs but the boys were dying to see it. Evan thought it was "awesome" and Drew said "I had no idea it was going to be such a religious movie." We woke up Saturday morning to the sound of boys wrestling with underwear on their heads. They were trying to conceal their identities.

Saturday was a great day to hang out in Salado. I think I can feel Fall heading our way. Sunday was a strange day because Baylor played football. I think God does not agree that Baylor should play football on Sundays. Note the stinky score!! Evan was the kick off kid at the game. Since Baylor didn't kick off first, he was on the field for a long time. Not good when you have butterflies in your tummy. He thought the high five from Sepulveda was cool. I asked him what Sepulveda said to him. Evan said that he said "hey kid, I need that tee." Words to cherish!

We went to the Lake at Grandbury with Uncle Paul, Aunt Kelly and kids on Monday. There was much fun to be had there. Everyone except Lindsay loved the wave runners and Sea Doo.

Now we are back to reality. I think we can make it through a short week. A few good nights of rest and I think we can shed the crankiness!