Life as a Family of Five
Verse of the Day!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Pre K Girl

Thursday, August 24, 2006
It's a bird, It's a plane...

IT'S SUPERMAN! Well, sort of.
Let me explain. Wednesday night was the kick off for Music and Missions at church with a theme of Super Kids. There were several superheroes invited. As we walked into church, a certain children's minister was frantically trying to find someone who could "fill out the outfit" but also fit into it. Apparently the person slated to be Superman was unable to make the transformation from Clark Kent to Superman (and still breath). Mark did not WANT to be Superman but he cracked under the pressure and sweetly donned the outfit. He played the part well. He signed autographs and lifted children in the air with great ease. They loved him.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Training to be salesmen
They say kids are more advanced these days. Kids know how to use computers better than most adults. They can beat the over 30 crowd at video games. Kids are masters of manipulation. They are sly. They are friendly and o, so cute! This makes them perfect for what seems to be the most needed skill for the beginning of the school year. FUNDRAISING! One thing I didn't bank on is that my kids would be transformed into mini Donald Trumps in order to fund various activities in their lives. They learn to peddle all sorts of stuff. We are currently selling Sally Foster gifts/wrapping as well as coupon books for soccer. I'd rather pay a higher fee for sports than sell. Too bad that is not really a choice.
The one reason we are hitting the pavement with Sally Foster this year is that the funds go directly towards Drew's trip to Big Bend next month! The trip is pricey and so despite our dislike of bugging friends, we will sell as much as we can. Do you want to buy anything?
Mark here... Figured I'd go ahead and put the link on here to buy the Sally Foster stuff, if you're interested. If you're in the Waco area, though, you can call Regina with your order and I think you don't have to pay shipping. I don't really know how all that works. Regina does all that- I'm just the "tech guy."
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Ode to School Daze

Yahoo, school started today!
Time for Lindsay and I to play.
Summer was an awesome blast.
Though it came and went so fast.
"Mom, there's nothing to do!" No more.
Homework, projects and tests galore.

Time to hit the books and study
But also sports and lessons, honey.
I know we'll have an awesome year
Do your best and keep God near!

Flip Flops and Bubblegum
Youth led the evening service at church last night. They did a great job telling about the wonderful experiences they had this summer. We have a great group of kids at Columbus. One thing that I still have a hard time getting used to is how casual church has become. "Back in the day" I remember wearing hose and closed toed shoes everytime I stepped into the sanctuary of our church. I don't really want to go back to those days. Hose and heat are not a good match! I overhead a friend say she has to force her daughter to wear a dress to church on Sunday mornings. What kind of mood do you think they are in by the time they get to church? Is it worth the battle? I am all too familiar with the struggles of dressing for church. Drew hates shirts with collars. What do you think?
Friday, August 11, 2006
Fun stuff...
It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd show you something fun I found- A virtual "fly-over" of Baylor, using Google Maps. There are a few pre-programmed cities (in the Select a location menu), but since I'm a geek I figured out how to start it out at Baylor, over Founders' Mall. Click the link and then the Start button. Use the arrow keys to go left, right, up, & down.
(For some reason it didn't work in IE, so try Firefox. I didn't really try to figure out why not, because who uses IE anymore, anyway, right?)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
We're back!

Mark and I both got to visit our grandparents. I also saw my best friend from 1st to 8th grade whom I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. Other stops included Ice Skating at the Galleria, the Houston Zoo, an Astros game (and running the bases after the game), NASA (Super Hero school was a special treat), Unlimited rides at Kemah, Dinner at the cool Aquarium restaurant, feeding the giant sting rays, Moody Gardens, swimming at the Galvez and milk chocolate waters of Galveston, staying at Grandma's house, Putt-Putt at Zuma's, the original Ninfas and Houston Museums (Butterflies, Natural Science, Health, Children's). Our main reason for heading to Houston was to take part in seizure research conducted by Baylor College of Medicine. We hope our participation helps researchers find some answers. I was super proud of Drew for participating. He was the first well child in the study.

After seven days in Houston, we headed to Port Aransas for our annual Mastin beach weekend. We are exhausted and very sun tanned. School starts Monday. Our days are filled with dentist, orthodontist and doctor appointments as well as back to school shopping. My, how quickly summer seems to fly by.