Verse of the Day!
Monday, December 19, 2005
The "Hood"
We left our camera in the car and noone else took pictures at the party last night, so you'll have to use your imagination.
Here's Lindsay and Hannah playing with Mallory like she's a doll. Three cuties!

Trish and Scott wrestling. I hear this is an everyday occurrence, though, nothing unusual...

Lindsay chasing Jonathan around the house. Do I need to tell her that he's not available? She's such a flirt with the older men.

Here's Jonathan looking love-struck as he thinks about that special someone.

Here's a good pic of Jeff "pumping it up" after his 18th plate of goodies. He did drink diet DP, though.

Here's the back of Trenton's head. As usual, he didn't want to be caught "on film" in the same room with this crowd.

Here are Cliff and Trish text messaging each other despite the fact that they were right across the room from each other. Wonder what the big secret was?

Here's Jan teaching


how to sign their names.

I'm sure I missed some other great snapshots. If I did, let me know and I'll be sure to add them! Thanks, Hoods, for a fun time!
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