Verse of the Day!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Hitting the Jackpot

Drew smiled from ear to ear. His eyes sparkled with delight. What on earth could have happened today to cause such joy? Maybe he was picked to quarterback his favorite football team or maybe he won a shopping spree to Toys R Us. Actually, he was excited because he got a new Algebra book! Not many eight year olds get excited about math but this little guy does. He has a fabulous math tutor named Harry. Harry has been an answer to prayer. He is exactly what Drew needs to satisfy his insatiable mathamatical curiosity. Drew usually does his homework at school while his classmates are having their math class. I decided that it would be good bonding time to do his homework with him Thursday night. Boy was that a mistake. He did all of it in his head and I had a hard time keeping up with him despite the fact that I had a calculator and HE DIDN"T!

Evan got to try a little acting this week. He was the main character, a hermit crab, in a small play. I think he really enjoyed the attention and being a leader in his group. Drew and his friends watched the play and did a great job encouraging and congratulating Evan. He really needed that! He is doing well but continues to have outbursts daily. We are praying for a good weekend. We've allowed each boy to invite a friend to the Baylor football game tomorrow. I think they will have a great time. We will see if having five kids is any harder than having three.
Whew, five kids at a football game...let us know how that goes! :) I am so glad that Drew is being challenged in math and that you found a solution to keep him excited about it. That's the math book that my eighth graders used last semester :)
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