Verse of the Day!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Weekend Report

The highlight of Lindsay's weekend was getting to meet Sleeping Beauty at a birthday party. Some of the dads at the party wanted their picture with Sleeping Beauty as well. I think they were glad their wives made them take their kids to the party. Lindsay has been in school for only a few months yet eight out of the 12 kids in her class have already had birthday parties. It almost feels like she goes to school on Saturdays because she's been at a party almost every weekend since school started.
Football games, cool weather, falling leaves and lots of family time are many of the reasons I love fall. I guess I will have to be happy with good family time. The football game...well... you know. This is how Lindsay felt about the game! I am just glad that Shawn doesn't have this loss on his shoulders.

Evan had a major setback this weekend. He had a huge fit Saturday and I'm talking the Mother of All fits Sunday. I won't go into the details but I do feel like the honeymoon period with this med has worn off. I sure hope this is not true. I feel like we find something that works then about a month later it is no longer helpful. Please pray that we are able to get him back on track.

Evan's latest obsession is putt putt. All he talks about are birdies, eagles and albatross. He picked up the lingo from a PS2 game. He asks everyday if we will take him to play putt putt. What he would really like to do is play "real" golf. Maybe that could be his incentive to return to the REAL Evan.
Drew's funny question of the week: As Drew scanned the high school football scores in the paper this weekend he wanted to know why a school would want to be called A and M Constipated? I think he needs to read a little more closely!
Sleeping Beauty is HOTT! We should have had that for Steve's birthday!!!
So, I was anxiously looking forward to my birthday earlier this week, because I had heard that Sleeping Beauty was making the rounds and attending birthday parties. I just had to hide my disappointment when it became clear that she was not going to make it to mine. Oh well, that's life, I guess. :) I'll just have to wear Raelee's wig and be my own Sleeping Beauty.
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