Picture this. It is 4:40 a.m. It's 27 degrees outside and there is ice on the road. Mark, Drew and I brave the cold, get out of our cozy bed in Salado and head to Austin for THE RACE! The race started late because of the weather. Thank goodness since we were backed up in traffic when the race was originally set to start. Mark had to jog to the start because we didn't think we'd make it. We missed Mark as he crossed the start line. There were a gazillon people all clumped together. We did get to see him in four different spots. I actually found my way around Austin but only by the grace of God!

Drew's favorite picture is when we caught Mark making a pit stop. Mark was feeling the pain at this point and I was a little worried about him. He was able to block out the pain and keep moving. I think it helped that so many spectators were calling him by name and cheering him on. It's a pretty cool idea to have the runners name on their number. Drew and I had a great time cheering for complete strangers!!!

There always has to be a funny guy or two in races likes these. We saw two Elvis impersonators and this pretty little ballerina boy. Looks like this guy must be very comfortable with his manhood or he's given up on it!

Towards the end, Mark was looking sad so Drew decided to run along side of him (which meant that I needed to try to keep up with them too, ha,ha) The last few miles of the race had some hills. Not nice after you've run your buns off!!! Mark did a great job. We are all proud of him! I just hope he can get out of bed sometime before he has to go to work on Tuesday.
Woo-hoo, congratulations, Mark! Thanks for all the great pictures, too! They're making me homesick for Austin and all its weirdness. Although I have to say that today's sunny 80 degrees on Lake Kivu is much better than 27 on Town Lake...
I think that manhood is probably not a big issue for the guy in the pink tutu. I mean, it's ok for a man to wear pink, but there is such a thing as going too far.
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