Life as a Family of Five
Verse of the Day!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Christmas Letter
Merry Christmas! We hope that you have experienced God in a new and marvelous way in 2005. We have had an incredible journey this year. Through all the wonderful and painful times, we have seen God draw us closer to Him.
As always, we are having a great time as a family of five. The kids are growing like crazy and they have been entertaining to say the least. We try to keep our sanity as we strive to raise responsible, caring children.
Lindsay always has a smile on her face. She had a Strawberry Shortcake party and loved introducing us to all her new friends from preschool. Lindsay goes to Preschool two days a week and can proudly spell most of her friends names. She loves to go to Bible Study Fellowship with mom and sings constantly. She and Mom go to the Mayborn Museum every Monday and have a great time of learning and crafts. She loves to dress up as evidenced at Halloween when she was a kitty and Snow White and Belle. She loves to do flips and dance. She even got to ice skate this year. She thinks she must mother her brothers and is always reminding them to use their manners.
Evan has had a tough year. In April, he began having seizures (and a whole slew of other entries in April, May, and June). (And, just so you know, at one time on this blog, Evan was Harry, Drew was Mike, and Lindsay was Stephanie, but it got much too confusing.) He is much better now. He has a great doctor in Plano and we feel that Evan is on the right road. Evan does very well in school. He is a friend to everyone. What he doesn't like about school is that the girls chase him. He had the lead in a small play at school. He loves math and stays after school to work on advanced math with his teacher. Evan is very athletic and has grown a bunch this year. He and Drew now wear the same size clothes. He loves to play basketball, football and especially Putt Putt. Evan was an old man for Halloween. He really loved the role playing. Evan likes seafood and enjoyed being in Port Aransas this summer. He loves to be HOT!
Drew is in 3rd grade and is having a great year. He loves to research on the computer, play Playstation2 and of course, watch ESPN. He was in a play this year and really enjoyed acting. He loves math and has a tutor this year. He enjoys algebra and studying for the UIL Numbersense competition. He also competed in UIL spelling and did very well. He attended many day camps this summer. He reads all the time. He read all the Harry Potter and a few of the Chronicles of Narnia books and has begun the Lord of the Ring books. He is really growing up. He had a bowling party at Baylor for this 8th birthday. His smile is constantly changing because he continues to lose teeth.
Mark has begun running and plans to run in a marathon in February. He has done several smaller runs and has done well. He continues to love his job at Baylor. He still teaches 10th grade boys at Columbus Avenue Baptist Church and serves as a deacon. He also attends BSF.
Regina stays at home (haha) and takes care of the family. She continues to work one weekend a month at the hospital. She is PTA vice president and teaches 3rd grade Sunday school.
We stayed close to home for vacation this summer. We visited Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Port Aransas. We are constantly on the move but that is what is so fun. We can't wait to see what God has in store for our family and yours in 2006!
Monday, December 19, 2005
The "Hood"
We left our camera in the car and noone else took pictures at the party last night, so you'll have to use your imagination.
Here's Lindsay and Hannah playing with Mallory like she's a doll. Three cuties!

Trish and Scott wrestling. I hear this is an everyday occurrence, though, nothing unusual...

Lindsay chasing Jonathan around the house. Do I need to tell her that he's not available? She's such a flirt with the older men.

Here's Jonathan looking love-struck as he thinks about that special someone.

Here's a good pic of Jeff "pumping it up" after his 18th plate of goodies. He did drink diet DP, though.

Here's the back of Trenton's head. As usual, he didn't want to be caught "on film" in the same room with this crowd.

Here are Cliff and Trish text messaging each other despite the fact that they were right across the room from each other. Wonder what the big secret was?

Here's Jan teaching


how to sign their names.

I'm sure I missed some other great snapshots. If I did, let me know and I'll be sure to add them! Thanks, Hoods, for a fun time!