Verse of the Day!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

End of busy days

Last week was just as crazy as the week before. I was really starting to get run down and I know the kids were too. I wore my pedometer Thursday to see if I really was on the move as much as I thought. My pedometer said I took 35,583 steps in one day!!!! Now that is moving. Two of those miles I ran intentionally on a treadmill. The rest was errand and kid related. WOW!

Well, this week will be different. The agenda consist of nothing more than relaxation. Now that's what I'm talking about. Swinging on the back porch in Salado never sounded better.

Totally unrelated but I had to share. This baby bird fell out of its nest in Salado last weekend. We tried to feed it then placed it back in the bird house. I don't know what happened after that. Isn't it amazingly small?


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