Verse of the Day!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Who's that kid?
So, today when he got home from school, I said "you really have to have your hair cut" and I meant it this time. In the back of my mind, I was thinking about Awards Day, Commended Performance, field day and those other end of the year things that all the other parents attend. I didn't want the other parents thinking I didn't know my kid needed a haircut. (pride)
So, he agreed that field day would be much cooler without a mop sitting on his head. The next problem: He didn't want to go to a barber. I think the fact that the barber Mark takes him to is missing an ear really freaks him out. I think he thinks he may leave there looking like the barber. At this point I am wondering if the kid still has ears because it has been a long time since I've seen them.
So, despite the fact that I had no idea what I was doing, I agreed to buzz the kids head. The whole time I'm going "I don't know what I am doing here buddy." And he is saying "it's easy Mom, just pick it up and cut it off." Well, things don't really go as planned. I got a lot of the length off and then FREAKED OUT!! I realized I had no idea what to do next. I again offered to take him somewhere to get it fixed. Meanwhile, his hair looked like a blindman took a weedeater to it. It was terrible. I thought I could make it a little better but I was afraid to touch it anymore and he didn't want me anywhere near it either.
He was screaming something about never going back to school and I was almost in tears. I called Mark and told him we had an emergency at home. He tried to calm me down but every time I saw that poor boys head, I felt terrible. That long hair wasn't so bad. This was bad!
Oh, yikes! Don't be too hard on yourself. He looks fine from that angle. :)
I wrote a long comment on this last week, but somehow it didn't post. I liked his hair longer, it looks good.
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