Drew entered the world of double digits today! It's a big deal to him. He completed 4th grade today as a nine year old. He turned 10 at LaFiesta Restaurant with Baylor Basketball player-Mamadou Diene from Senegal, Africa! Mamadou turned 20 today! We had a good time celebrating together. Drew talked sports with Mamadou and of course Evan wanted to know all about Senegal.

Mamadou is a very cool guy. He made an appearance at the Hillcrest talent show to say "Happy Birthday" to Drew and to present him with a basketball and signed shirt. He said a few words to the children. He encouraged them to work hard in school and listen to their parents. I love this guy. He seems to be a very intellegent, thoughtful young man. He's just the kind of role model I want for my boys.

Drew and Evan are glad summer is here and that Drew unwrapped some new toys today. This multi-sport training net was a hit! After they wore themselves out, they decided to hop inside of the net and take a nap. We'll see how long this contraption keeps them occupied. I am quite proud that I set this thing up instead of giving the typical answer of "wait until dad gets home."
How fun. I am finding it really difficult to believe that Drew is already ten! It doesn't seem like that long ago that he was just a baby!
I can't believe it either. We were just looking at pictures of you and Lauren holding him when he was little bitty. Seems like yesterday!
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