Life as a Family of Five
Verse of the Day!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Back from Disney
We had a fantastic time in Orlando. The whole Disney experience is amazing!!! Lindsay had a great birthday and celebrated all week long. She loved having lunch with the princesses and getting hugs and kisses from Pooh. The guys rode ALL the scary stuff. More to come later.
Stupid Mirror!!
You can't have it all! That's how I've come to grips with the way Drew was designed. He's brilliant. He can understand with ease the concepts of abstract algebra. Advanced technology is second nature but common sense, well...that is a different story. Yesterday was picture day at school. I thought it was important to make sure his hair was not sticking up on top of his head. For some reason, this was not important to him but he complied. He headed off to the bathroom. After a few minutes of trying to tackle the Alfalfa hair-do, he was almost in tears.
Mom: What's wrong?
Drew: The stupid mirror doesn't even know which way I am!!
He just can't understand the whole mirror image concept. The brain is a fascinating thing!!!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
We've been too busy to blog! I can not believe October is already here. Everyone seems to be settled into a routine.
Drew is in New Mexico this week. He and his classmates visited White Sands this morning and Three Rivers Petroglyph National Monument this afternoon. They will go to Lincoln City Thursday and Carlsbad Caverns to see the "flight of the bats" Friday. Sounds like they are having a great time. We know we are blessed to be at a school that provides such an opportunity to young students. Drew and his friends have begun writing the script to a play that will be presented as a dinner theater in November. The research they do in New Mexico will provide them with the information they will need to finish writing the play. Drew was most excited about learning everything possible about Billy the Kid.
Evan is busy these days trying to earn as many badges as possible in Cub scouts. He is proud to be a BEAR! He can't wait until his meeting Thursday where he will learn how to carve with his pocket knife! YIKES!
Lindsay is finished with Annie! She is finally getting some sleep. She is doing great in school. She and the nurse have become friends. She's had to visit several times because of fever. She is getting very excited about Disney World and her birthday.
I thought for some reason that I would have so much free time with all three kids in school but that has not been the case. I am starting to get used to going to work 2 days a week. The other days are filled with grocery shopping, washing, cleaning and working on PTA stuff.
Mark stays super busy with all his activities and then playing taxi for kid activities.
All this to say... maybe we won't be blogging much anymore.