Verse of the Day!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Rest in Peace, Granddaddy...
Harold Minner Mastin
May 11, 1911 - November 18, 2006

Granddaddy was a kind, gentle, patient soul. I was very fortunate to grow up in the same town as him and share many special memories as I was growing up. In his later years, nothing made him light up, though, like being around his great-grandchildren. He had 11 of them and whenever we were with him he made a point of telling anyone he could about he lucky he was to live long enough to be with his great-grandchildren and how proud he was of all of them.

He and Evan seemed to be especially fond of each other. Evan liked his Army stories and never tired of them. Granddaddy liked the unconditional affection and tenderness that is such a part of Evan, that we credit to being past down from Granddaddy and Papaw. (I guess it skipped me, though.) Evan wrote a little speech that he plans on sharing at the service. It brings a tear to my eye just to think about it.

Granddaddy was indeed lucky to have lived to 95 and to see all of his great-grandchildren. But not nearly as lucky as I was to have had him for a grandfather.
Mark, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather, but so glad that he got to know your amazing kids, and especially to have such a neat relationship with Evan. Y'all will be in my prayers.
I have been researching the Minner family and Had not been able to find anything on Ida Belle Minner. I am mostly curious where she is buried and any other information you would be willing to share. I am the great great granddaughter of John Peter Minner, brother to Willard Cepholus Minner who was the grandfather of Harold Minner Mastin. Please contact me: Thank you
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